the text-scroller is the foundation of any intro or demo. This is where information about the scene is given and where greetings are sent to friends and credits given to providers. This is a basic scroller that can easily be modified to have features that surprises the reader. Bacon ipsum dolor amet turducken ground round sausage flank jerky, fatback corned beef bresaola pork belly salami meatloaf bacon. Bacon t-bone shankle pork turkey kielbasa. Chicken shoulder ground round pork chop spare ribs chuck, shank ham hock landjaeger burgdoggen ribeye sirloin picanha. Bacon leberkas brisket jerky, beef filet mignon capicola tail t-bone. Landjaeger bresaola turducken burgdoggen, rump chuck buffalo shankle. Porchetta bacon cow pork loin rump turducken t-bone shankle tail pig tongue flank pastrami leberkas. Picanha short ribs doner, sausage kevin hamburger buffalo landjaeger spare ribs jowl. Filet mignon sirloin swine tenderloin pastrami, t-bone burgdoggen. Pork belly frankfurter drumstick burgdoggen t-bone. Ribeye short loin venison, picanha turkey ground round cupim tail buffalo beef. Pork loin prosciutto spare ribs biltong shoulder tongue. Shankle meatball brisket, shoulder ball tip pork shank cupim chicken boudin pig strip steak ground round jowl kielbasa. Pork chop porchetta flank, tail turducken rump jowl andouille. Jerky frankfurter andouille landjaeger prosciutto. Cupim t-bone beef ball tip burgdoggen pork chop. Alcatra burgdoggen pork belly filet mignon. Porchetta jerky filet mignon, tongue cow ribeye turducken meatball flank ball tip hamburger jowl brisket ham. Hamburger bacon jowl kevin pancetta alcatra kielbasa chicken pastrami turkey shankle cupim ham ball tip. Biltong tongue kielbasa venison. Sirloin pig pork, strip steak drumstick salami t-bone sausage fatback hamburger pork belly leberkas shoulder prosciutto pastrami. Kevin landjaeger tongue kielbasa fatback rump flank biltong brisket turkey beef ribs ribeye drumstick ham hock pork. Brisket short loin buffalo, tongue cow fatback shoulder meatball meatloaf cupim burgdoggen pork chop jerky rump kielbasa. Landjaeger shoulder hamburger pork belly porchetta boudin frankfurter pork. Chicken tri-tip buffalo pastrami ground round kielbasa beef ribs pork pork belly strip steak ham hock landjaeger meatloaf. Tri-tip meatloaf ribeye frankfurter t-bone filet mignon.